When a question is put to the House it is required to give its decision which is taken by the Chair by asking for a voice vote in the first instance. If the opinion of the Chair on the bases of the voice vote is not challenged, then the question is declared as determined either by saying “Ayes have it”, “Ayes have it”, or “Noes have it”, “Noes have it” as the case may be. But if the Chair’s opinion is challenged, i.e. if “Ayes have it”, “Ayes have it”, is being declared there are voice saying “Noes have it”, “Noes have it” or vice versa, there are two courses open to the Chair either to ask the Members in favour and those against, to stand in their respective places one after the other, if it is of the opinion that the division is being unnecessary claimed, and then on the basis of a general assessment of the opinion of the House declared the decision of the House, or direct those in the favour and those, against the motion to go in to their respective lobbies, that is, order the House to divide itself.