Name and Objects
1. Name – The name of the organization is the “Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, Haryana Branch”, hereinafter called “this Branch.”
2. Objects – This Branch shall do all such things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objects for which the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, hereinafter called “Association” is formed, viz., to promote understanding and cooperation for common purposes between those engaged in the Parliamentary Government of the Countries of the Commonwealth by the establishment of machinery for the exchange of information and of individual visits and for the organization of Conferences between Members of the Legislatures of the Commonwealth and also to promote understanding and cooperation by similar means between those Members and the members of the Legislature outside the Commonwealth having close political and Parliamentary Association with them.
In particular and without derogation from the generality of the objects of the Association set forth in the Constitution of the Association viz :—
(a) Introduction and hospitality – This Branch shall use its best endeavour to provide introduction and hospitality for Members visiting from other countries. The Principal Secretary of the Branch in the country visited, having been notified of the intended arrival of a Member by the Principal Secretary of the Branch to which that Member belongs and having been presented with a letter of introduction for purpose of identification, shall arrange for him a cordial reception and provide him with personal introduction if so desired. In all cases where a member is visiting the country where the Headquarters of the General Council are situated, the Members shall be provided also with an introduction to the Secretary-General who shall arrange for the visiting Members to meet those interested in the General Council at social and other gatherings.
(b) Travel Facilities – The Association shall endeavour to secure special terms for its Members when visiting those countries where branches exist. With this in view, the Principal Secretary of this Branch, with the assistance of the Secretary–General wherever necessary or advisable, shall be responsible for negotiations with land, water and air transport, Boards or Companies operating in or from the territory of this Branch.
(c) Publications – Every Member shall be entitled to receive the “Journal of the Parliaments of the Commonwealth”, and on request, the “Summary of Congressional proceedings, U.S.A.”, the “Report on Foreign Affairs”, or any other periodical, publication or any issue of special information, which may hereafter be authorized and published by the General Council shall be circulated in the manner determined by the General Council.
(d) Parliamentary Privileges – The Association shall endeavour to arrange for its Members visiting any country in which a Branch exists to receive preferential treatment in the matter of access to the Galleries, lobbies, Dining and Smoking Rooms of the Legislature of that country for the purpose of hearing Debates and meeting other Members of the Association.
(e) Special Information – The Secretary General and the Secretaries of the Branches shall endeavour to provide special information on any subject which Members may wish to investigate.
3.Office – The office of the Branch shall be located in the Vidhan Bhawan, Chandigarh.
4. Ordinary Members – Any sitting Member of the Haryana Legislative Assembly shall be entitled to become an Ordinary Member of this Branch, without election, on payment of the subscription for the current year.
5. Associates – Any Member of this Branch upon ceasing to be a Member of the Haryana Legislative Assembly or Ex-Member of any Branch of the Association permanently residing in Haryana may, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, become an Associate of this Branch, subject to the provisions of Rules 6 and 7, upon payment of the subscription for the current year. Associates shall not be entitled to take part in the management of this Branch.
6. Visiting Members, Honorary Members and Associates – All Ordinary Members of Main Branches or Auxiliary Branches or Affiliated Branches or Associated Groups in other Legislatures who may be visiting Haryana, shall be accepted without Election and without subscription as Honorary Members of this Branch during their visit to Haryana. For the purpose of this Rule a visit to Haryana shall ordinarily mean a visit of not more than three months in duration, but the Executive Committee shall have power to extend the period in individual cases.
7. Life member and Life Associates – Any sitting member of the Haryana Legislative Assembly shall be entitled to become without election, a life Member of this Branch on payment of the prescribed Life Subscription. A life Member ceasing to be a Member of the Haryana Legislative Assembly shall become a Life Associate without payment of any further subscription. Ex-Members of this or any other Branch permanently residing in Haryana and desiring to rejoin or join this Branch may be elected by the Executive Committee as Life Associates on payment of a life subscription.
8. Privileges of Members and Associates – Ordinary Members and Life members shall be entitled to all the privileges set out in Rule 2.
Associates and Life Associates shall be entitled to all such privileges, with the exception of those headed (c) and (d) in Rule 2 which can only be granted to Ordinary Members and Life Members of this Branch.
Visiting Members shall be given a “Privilege” ticket which on being produced to any official of the Haryana Legislative Assembly shall entitle them :-
(a) to use the Speaker’s Gallery of the Legislative Assembly for the purpose of hearing debates, and the Library of the Haryana Legislative Assembly under conditions to be determined by the competent authority;
(b) to enter the lobbies and corridors of the House and pass through it;
(c) to use any Dining and Refreshment rooms specified on their Privilege ticket but not to bring any guests with them; and
(d) to exercise any other privileges specified on their Privilege ticket.
Visiting Associates of Branches in other Legislatures shall be afforded such privileges as the Executive Committee shall determine.
9. Subscriptions — The Annual Subscription of this Branch for Ordinary Members or Associates, other than Visiting Members or Associates shall be ten rupees per annum, payable by the end of February each year. The Life Subscription shall be one hundred rupees.
Explanation :– Annual Subscription means subscription for one calendar year.
10. Payment of Subscriptions — Every Member or Associate other than a Visiting Member or Associate shall, upon joining this branch, pay the Annual Subscription for the year.
11. Unpaid Subscription — A Notice shall be issued by the middle of January every year to all Members drawing their attention to the fact that under the rules of this Branch their subscription would fall due on the last day of February following. If any Member’s subscription remains unpaid for one month from the date of which it becomes payable, a second notice shall be issued requesting him to pay the subscription within a month and if this subscription remains unpaid for a month after the date of such notice, the Member shall cease to be a Member of this Branch, and his name shall be removed from the list of Members :
Provided that a Member whose name has been so removed from the list of members shall be re-enrolled as a Member without election by the Executive Committee if his subscription for the year is paid before the end of the calendar year.
A member who has not regularly paid his subscription in accordance with these rules shall not be eligible for appointment or election as one of a Delegation to visit the country of any other Branch.
12. Resignation from Membership – A Member or Associate may, at any time, resign from Membership of this Branch by giving notice to the Secretary : provided that such notice shall not affect the liability of the Member to pay the subscription for the current year.
13. Officers – The Officers of this Branch shall be the President, the Vice-Presidents and the Treasurer.
14. President – The Speaker, Haryana Legislative Assembly shall be the ex-officio President of this Branch : provided he is a member of the Branch and willing to accept such office. If the Speaker declines to accept the Office or ceases to be a Member of this Branch, and then the Executive Committee shall have power to elect a President from amongst the Members of the Branch, subject to confirmation at its next Annual General Meeting.
15. Vice-Presidents – The Leader of the House and the Leader of the Opposition shall be the ex-officio Vice-Presidents of this Branch, provided they are Members of this Branch, and agree to act as Vice-Presidents.
In the event of any of them ceasing to be a Member of this Branch, or declining to accept such office, the Executive Committee shall have power to elect a Vice-President from amongst the Members of this Branch, subject to confirmation at its next Annual General Meeting.
16. Treasurer – The Treasurer shall be elected from amongst the Members of the Branch at the Annual General Meeting on the nomination of the Executive Committee and shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting.
17. Principal Secretary – (1) The Principal Secretary, Haryana Legislative Assembly shall act as ex-officio Secretary of the Branch.
(2) The Principal Secretary shall be assisted in his duties by the Officers and staff of the Haryana Legislative Assembly Secretariat.
18. Executive Committee – The management of the affairs of this Branch shall be vested in an Executive Committee consisting of not more than 8 members of whom the President, Vice-Presidents and the Treasurer shall be ex-officio and remaining Members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting from the Ordinary Members of this Branch. The Committee shall hold office until the next election.
19. Retirement from the Executive Committee – At the Annual General Meeting all the Members of the Executive Committee other than the ex-officio President and ex-officio Vice-Presidents, shall retire from office, but shall be eligible for re-election.
20. Casual Vacancies – The Executive Committee may fill any casual vacancy occurring among the officers of this Branch, or in the Executive Committee, by electing a suitable person from among the Ordinary Members to fill the vacancy and any person so elected shall hold office for the un expired period of the term of office of the person in whose place he has been elected.
21. Conduct of Business of the Executive Committee – The Executive Committee may regulate the conduct of its business in such a manner as it deems fit.
Question arising at any meeting of the Executive Committee shall be decided by a majority of votes. In case of equality of votes, the Chairperson of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote.
The Principal Secretary may, in consultation with the President and shall on receipt of a requisition from any three Members of the Executive Committee, summon a meeting of the Executive Committee. The quorum for a meeting of the Executive Committee shall be three.
22. Annual General Meeting – The Annual General Meeting of this Branch shall ordinarily be held in Chandigarh in March every year, or on such date and at such place as the Executive Committee shall direct. At this meeting the Annual Report and the Accounts of this Branch, and any other business of which is not less than seven clear days notice has been given, shall be considered:
Provided that the President of the meeting, may in his discretion, dispense with the requirement of the period of notice for the consideration of any important matter.
Notice of the Annual General Meeting of this Branch, with copies of the Annual Report and of the Accounts of the preceding year, shall be delivered or posted to each Member of this Branch resident in Haryana not less than fourteen clear days before the date appointed for such a meeting, and shall show the business to be transacted thereat, provided that any Member may bring before the Annual General Meeting any business other than that stated in the said notice if seven clear days before the date of the meeting, notice in writing of his intention so to do shall have been received by the Principal Secretary, who shall send or post a copy thereof to each Member of the Branch at least three days before the date of the Annual General Meeting.
23. Special General Meeting – A Special General meeting may be convened at any time and place appointed by the Executive Committee.
On receipt of a requisition in writing from not less than 10 Members of this Branch, the Executive Committee shall summon a Special General Meeting. The requisition shall contain a statement of the business for which the meeting is to be called.
Not less than ten clear days notice shall be given of any Special General Meeting of this Branch, provided that the Executive Committee may, for reasons of urgency, convene a Special General Meeting of this Branch at a shorter notice.
No business shall be transacted at a Special General Meeting other than that specified in the notice convening the meeting.
24.Quorum – No business shall be transacted at any General Meeting unless a quorum is present at the time when the Meeting proceeds to business. One tenth of the total number of Members, the fraction, if any, being ignored, shall form the quorum.
If a General Meeting has to be adjourned for want of a quorum, no quorum shall be necessary for the adjourned meeting:
Provided that the adjourned meeting shall not be held at a notice of less than three days.
25.Voting – Question arising at a General Meeting of this Branch shall be decided by a majority of votes. Every Member shall have one vote. In case of equality of votes, the President of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote:
Provided that no Member shall be entitled to vote on any question at a General Meeting of this branch unless he has been a member of this branch for at least 30 days prior to the date of the meeting.
26. Membership of the Executive Committee – Every Ordinary Member of this Branch entitled to vote at its Annual General Meeting shall be eligible for election to the Executive Committee on being duly proposed and seconded by an Ordinary Member.
Nomination shall be handed into the Secretary, seven clear days prior to the Annual General Meeting and shall contain the name of the proposer and the seconder and a declaration that the Member nominated has consented to serve upon the Executive Committee, if elected.
27. Appointment of Delegates to Conferences and Representatives on the General Council – The Executive Committee shall appoint from among the members of this Branch delegates to attend the Conferences of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association to be held from time to time, and, when occasion requires, shall select representatives who shall serve on the General Council of the Association in accordance with the provisions laid down in its Constitution or as determined from time to time by the General Council.
No Member who has not been on the roll of this Branch for a minimum period of three months shall be eligible for appointment as a Member of any delegation to attend Parliamentary Conferences or as a Member of the General Council, or to represent this Branch outside Haryana.
28. Arrangements of affairs in the event of General Election to the Haryana Legislative Assembly – In the event of the general election to the Haryana Legislative Assembly the Office-bearers and the Executive Committee shall carry on the affairs of this Branch until the election of the Speaker, the other office-bearers and the remaining members of the Executive Committee.
29. Alteration of Rules – These Rules may be altered at an Annual General meeting or at a Special General Meeting of this Branch, provided that due notice has been given of the proposal to alter them.