Calling attention to any matter of public importance, though strictly not a mode of raising a discussion, is the method of focusing attention of the House on a certain matter.
A Member may, with the previous permission of the Speaker, call the attention of a Minister to any matter of urgent public importance and the Minister may make a brief statement or ask for time to make a statement at a later hour or date.
There shall be no debate on such statement at the time it is made but each Member in whose name the notice stands may, with the permission of the Speaker, ask a question.
Provided that names of more than five Members shall be combined or bracketed.
(i) Where a notice is signed by more than one Member, it shall be deemed to have been given by the first signatory only and he alone shall be allowed to read the notice.
(ii) Notices for a sitting received one hour before the commencement of the sitting shall be deemed to have been received for that day. Notices received within one hour before the commencement of the sitting shall be deemed to have been given for the next sitting.
Not more than one matter shall be raised at the same sitting.
In the event of more than one matter being presented for the same day, priority shall be given to the matter which in the opinion of the Speaker, is more urgent and important.
The proposed matter shall be raised after the questions and before the list of business is entered upon and at no other time during the sitting of the House.
In according with the established conventions, notice to such motions are not taken upon the day the Budget for the year is presented to the House.