The Governor’s Address is discussed in the Vidhan Sabha on a Motion of Thanks moved by a Member and seconded by another Member. According to the established practice the two Members-the mover and the seconder of the Motion of Thanks-are selected by the Chief Minister/Leader of the House. Notice of such a motion is, therefore, received through the Minister of Parliamentary Affairs. The motion is moved in the following form-
“That an Address be presented to the Governor in the following form:-
‘That the Members of the Haryana Vidhan Sabha assembled in this Session are deeply grateful to the Governor for the Address which he has been pleased to deliver to the House on the…………………….. (Date)’.
The Governor’s Address is discussed in the Vidhan Sabha on a Motion of Thanks moved by a Member and seconded by another for such period as the Speaker, in consultation with the Leader of the House, may allot or for such time as the House may fix on the report of the Business Advisory Committee, as the case may be. Members may move amendments to such Motion of Thanks. Such notices are required to be given before the discussion on the Address commences, in the form which has been approved by the Speaker.
The discussion on the Address may be postponed in favour of Govt. Business and may also be interrupted in the course of a sitting by Adjournment Motion under Rule-70.