After the Members have taken their oath, the next thing done is the election of the Speaker.
Any Member may propose the name of another Member then present in the Assembly and more that such Member do take the Chair of the Assembly as Speaker. When this motion is moved, it is seconded. If no other Member is proposed, the person presiding, without putting the question, declares the Member proposed as elected and calls him to take the Chair. But if the names of other Members are also proposed and seconded, the questions are put one by one in the order in which the motions have been moved and are determined, if necessary, by division. If any motion is carried, the person presiding without putting later motions, declares the Member proposed in the motion as elected and call that member to take the Chair.
A Member cannot propose his own name or second a motion proposing his own name or propose or second more than one motion.
Whenever a vacancy occurs in the office of the Speaker, the Governor shall fix a date not later than seven days from the date of the first sitting of the Vidhan Sabha (Assembly) after the occurrence of the vacancy and the Secretary intimates to each Member the date so fixed. The election held in accordance with the procedure set out in the foregoing rule.