List of Questions

Total Record : 0
House Year Session Sitting Date Question Type Asked By Subject
13 2015 Budget 2015 20/03/2015 Starred Water Supply upto Tail
13 2015 Budget 2015 20/03/2015 Starred Railway Bridge
13 2015 Budget 2015 20/03/2015 Starred Use of Red Amber Blue Beacon
13 2015 Budget 2015 20/03/2015 Starred Allotment of Industrial Plots in Industrial Estate Panchkula
13 2015 Budget 2015 20/03/2015 Starred Construction of Water Works
13 2015 Budget 2015 20/03/2015 Starred Up Gradation of Hospital
13 2015 Budget 2015 20/03/2015 Starred Canal in Naraingarh
13 2015 Budget 2015 20/03/2015 Starred Repair of Roads
13 2015 Budget 2015 20/03/2015 Starred Declaration of Shiwalik Area as Backward Area
13 2015 Budget 2015 20/03/2015 Starred Reconstruction of Road
13 2015 Budget 2015 20/03/2015 Starred Provision of Toilets and Drinking Water in School
13 2015 Budget 2015 19/03/2015 Starred Construction of Bye Pass
13 2015 Budget 2015 19/03/2015 Starred Desilting of Hansi Branch Canal
13 2015 Budget 2015 19/03/2015 Starred Shortge of Doctors in Fatehabad Bhuna and Bhattu Hospitals
13 2015 Budget 2015 19/03/2015 Starred Sports Stadium in Radaur
13 2015 Budget 2015 19/03/2015 Starred Shortage of Staff
13 2015 Budget 2015 19/03/2015 Starred Details of the Supply of Urea in the State
13 2015 Budget 2015 19/03/2015 Starred Electricity Purchased
13 2015 Budget 2015 19/03/2015 Starred To Open ESI Hospital
13 2015 Budget 2015 19/03/2015 Starred New Roads Constructed
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