1. These rules may be called the Rules of Business of the Regional Branch (Haryana) of the Institute of Constitutional and Parliamentary Studies.
2. In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, —
(a) ‘Regional Branch’ shall mean the Regional Branch (Haryana) of the Institute of Constitutional and Parliamentary Studies.
(b) ‘Chairman’ means the Chairman elected under rule 7.
(c) Member’ means, Members of the Institute of Constitutional and Parliamentary Studies, enrolled through this Branch.
(d) All other expressions not used in these rules but have been defined in the Constitution of the Institute or in the Bye-Laws thereof shall have the same meanings, as have been defined in the Constitution of the Institute or Bye-Laws thereof.
3. Office: – The office of the Branch shall be located at such place as the Chairman may from time to time determine.
4.General Body:– All persons enrolled through this Branch as Life/Ordinary/Corporate members of the Institute of Constitutional and Parliamentary Studies, and residing in the State of Haryana, shall form General Body of this Branch.
5. Functions of the Branch:– Subject to the General control of the Executive Council/Standing Committee this Branch shall within its area of jurisdiction engage in any activities conducive to the attainment of the objects of the Institute and shall arrange its own programme but shall not undertake any publications except with the express approval of the Chairman/Standing Committee/Executive Council of the Institute.
The decision of the Institute or its Executive Council/Standing Committee shall be binding upon this Branch.
6. Executive Committee:– The management and control of the affairs of this Branch shall be vested in an Executive Committee, consisting of not more than seven Members of whom the Chairman shall be ex-officio and the remaining shall be elected by the General Body at its Annual General Meeting from amongst its Members for one year.
7. Chairman:– The Chairman of this Branch shall be elected by the General Body at its Annual General Meeting from amongst its Members and shall hold office until the election of his successor, but shall be eligible for re-election.
8. Honorary Secretary:– The Honorary Secretary shall be elected by the General Body at its Annual General Meeting from amongst its Members and shall hold office for one year, or till the election of his successor whichever is later, but shall be eligible for re-election.
9. Honorary Treasurer: – The Honorary Treasurer shall be elected by the General Body at its Annual General Meeting from amongst its Members and shall hold office for one year, or till the election of his successor whichever is later, but shall be eligible for re-election.
10. Honorary Auditor:– The Honorary Auditor shall be elected by the General Body at its Annual General Meeting from amongst its Members and shall hold office for one year, or till the election of his successor whichever is later, but shall be eligible for re-election.
11. Meetings:– The Annual General Meetings of this Branch shall be convened as and when deemed necessary by the Chairman provided that it shall meet at least once a year.
12. Special General Meeting:– A Special General Meeting may be convened at any time and place appointed by the Executive Committee.
On receipt of the requisition in writing from not less than 10 Members, the Executive Committee shall summon a Special General Meeting. The requisition shall contain a statement of the business for which the meeting is to be called.
Not less than ten clear days’ notice shall be given of any Special General Meeting of this Branch, provided that the Executive Committee may, for reasons of urgency, convene a Special General Meeting of this Branch at a shorter notice.
No business shall be transacted at a Special General Meeting other than that specified in the notice convening the meeting.
13. Quorum:– No business shall be transacted at any General Meeting unless a quorum is present at the time when the meeting proceeds to business. One-tenth of the total number of members, the fraction, if any, being ignored, shall form the quorum.
If a General Meeting has to be adjourned for want of a quorum, no quorum shall be necessary for the adjourned meeting :
Provided that the adjourned meeting shall not be held at a notice of less than three days.
14.Voting:– Questions arising at a General Meeting of this Branch shall be decided by a majority of votes, the Chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote in case of tie.
15. Business before the Annual General Meeting:– The following business shall be placed before the Annual General Meeting —
(i) Report of work done in the year with a statement of accounts; and
(ii) Elections of the Chairman, Executive Committee, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and the Honorary Auditor.
16. Submission of Annual Report of its Activities and Achievements of the Institute:– The Branch shall by the first week of June each year, forward to the Executive Chairman or the Director of the Institute an annual report of its activities and achievements during the preceding year as that the same may be suitably incorporated in the annual report of the Institute.
The official year for this purpose shall mean from 1st April to 31st March next.
17. Funds of the Branch:– Besides its share of the annual fees of the Institute and the contribution made by the Institute, this Branch shall be free to raise such other funds as it may think desirable by subscriptions or grants.
The funds of this Branch shall be kept in a Scheduled Bank in the joint name of the Chairman and/or Secretary and Treasurer.
18. Duties of the Honorary Secretary:– The duties of the Honorary Secretary shall be –
(i) to keep records of all meetings of this Regional Branch as also of the Executive Committee;
(ii) to keep in custody all records of this Branch;
(iii) to keep true and correct accounts of the receipts and disbursements and to get the same audited;
(iv) to submit draft of the Annual Report before the Executive Committee;
(v) to convene meetings as directed by the Chairman; and
(vi) to carry out such other directions as the Regional Branch, the Executive Committee or the Chairman may give.
19. Closing down of the Regional Branch:– In the event of closing down or ceasing to function of this Regional Branch all its surplus assets shall be carried to the Institute.
20. Amendment to Rules of Business:– Any amendment to these rules of business shall be proposed at the Annual General meeting of this Regional Branch. Notice of the proposed amendment(s) shall be given in writing to the Secretary seven days before the date of the meeting.