1. Title. – There shall be a ‘Parliamentary Group’ of the Haryana State Legislative Assembly hereinafter referred to as ‘The Haryana Group’ affiliated to the Indian Parliamentary Association.
2. Objects. – The aim of the Haryana Group is to do such things as are incidental and conducive to the attainment of the object for which the Indian Parliamentary Association is formed i.e. to provide principally a forum where Members of Parliament as also of the State Legislatures, irrespective of party affiliations, meet and discuss freely questions of policies with reference to matters of common interest, such as Education, Public Health, Internal Trade and Commerce, Food and Agriculture, Local Self-Government, i.e., matters enumerated in Lists II and III of the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India so as to be helpful to each other in the molding of such policies and in evolving a common or uniform point of view in respect of such questions and to advance national unity by affording opportunities or personal contacts.
3. Office. – The office of the Haryana Group shall be located in the Haryana Vidhan Sabha Secretariat, Vidhan Bhawan, Chandigarh.
4. Ordinary Members.-
(1) Any sitting Member of the Haryana Vidhan Sabha shall be entitled to become a Member of the Haryana Group on payment of the subscription.
(2) An Ordinary member of the Haryana Group on ceasing to be a Member of Haryana Vidhan Sabha may become an affiliated Member, without any election.
(3) Every Ordinary Member or affiliated Member who joins the Haryana Group shall be taken to have given his assent to the aims and objects of the Haryana Group as set out in Rule 2.
5. Affiliated Members.-
(1) Ex-members of the Haryana Vidhan Sabha may be elected by the Executive Committee of the Haryana Group as affiliated Members of the Haryana Group on payment of the subscription.
(2) All candidates for affiliated membership shall be proposed by an Ordinary Member of the Haryana Group and seconded by another Ordinary Member.
(3) An Affiliated member on becoming a member of the Haryana Vidhan Sabha may become an Ordinary Member without any election.
(4) An Affiliated Member shall be entitled to the following facilities only –
(a) to get letters of introduction to the Secretaries of Parliament, of other State Legislatures in the Indian Union and of Parliaments in foreign countries in connection with his visits thereto;
(b) to be provided, if possible, with the information on any subject of public importance; and
(c) to participate in the activities of the Haryana Group other than those relating to management of the Haryana Group.
(5) An Affiliated Member shall not be entitled to representation at meetings of Conference of the Inter-Parliamentary Union nor to the travel concession provided to Ordinary members.
(6) Subscription.-
(1) Every Member upon joining the Haryana Group shall pay an annual subscription of Rs. 10/-. The life subscription shall be Rs. 100/-.
(2) If any Member fails to pay the annual subscription at the prescribed rate for two consecutive years, the President may remove the name of the Member from the Membership of the Haryana Group.
Explanation.— Annual subscription means subscription for one calendar year.
7. President.-
(a) The Speaker of the Haryana Vidhan Sabha shall be the ex-officio President of the Haryana Group.
(b) If the President is not present at any meeting of the Haryana Group or the Executive Committee, the Haryana Group or the Executive Committee shall choose another member to act as President for that meeting.
8. Vice Presidents. – The Deputy Speaker of the Haryana Vidhan Sabha and the Leader of the Opposition in the Haryana Vidhan Sabha shall be the ex-officio Vice-Presidents of the Haryana Group:
Provided that when an Ordinary Member in the Haryana Group ceases to be a Member of the Haryana Vidhan Sabha he shall be considered to have relinquished the charge of that office with effect from that date.
9. Secretary.– The Principal Secretary, Haryana Vidhan Sabha, shall act as ex-officio Secretary of the Haryana Group.
10. Executive Committee. – The management and control of the affairs of the Group shall be vested in an Executive Committee consisting of not more than 8 Members of whom the President and Vice-President shall be ex-officio and the remaining shall be elected.
11. Meetings.-
(1) The Annual General Meeting of the Haryana Group shall ordinary be held in March every year on such date, time and place as the President may fix.
(2) The President may also having regard to the business call General Meeting of the Haryana Group from time to time.
(3) The President may call meetings of the Executive Committee from time to time as may be necessary.
(4) On a requisition in writing of not less than 15 Members of the Haryana Group, the President shall summon a special General Meeting.
12. Quorum.– The quorum of the meetings of the Executive Committee shall be three and that at the General Meetings shall be, as near as may be 1/10 of total number of Members, the fraction if any, being ignored.
13. Voting.– Every Member shall have one vote. Questions shall be determined by a majority of Members present and voting. In case of an equality of votes the person presiding shall have a second or casting vote.
14. Business to be placed before the Annual General Meeting.– The following business shall be placed before the Annual General Meeting–
(i) report of work done in the year with a statement of account;
(ii) election of the Executive Committee; and
(iii) appointment of an Auditor.
15. Duties of the Principal Secretary.– The duties of the Secretary shall be–
(i) to keep records of all meetings of the Haryana Group as also of the Executive Committee.
(ii) to keep in custody all records of Haryana Group.
(iii)to keep true and correct accounts of the receipts and disbursements and to get the same audited;
(iv)to submit draft of the Annual Report before the Executive Committee;
(v) to convene meetings as directed by the President; and
(vi) to carry out such other direction as the Haryana Group, the Executive Committee or the President may give.
16. Arrangements of affairs in the event of general election to the Haryana Vidhan Sabha. – In the event of the General election to the Haryana Vidhan Sabha the office-bearers and the Executive Committee shall carry on the affairs of the Haryana Group until the election of the Speaker, the other office-bearers and the remaining Members of the Executive Committee.
17. Amendments to Rules. – Any amendment to these rules shall be proposed at the Annual General Meeting of the Haryana Group. Notice of the proposed amendment shall be given in writing to the Principal Secretary Seven days before the date of the meeting.