A sitting of the Assembly is duly constituted when it is presided over by the Speaker or other Member competent to preside over a sitting of the Assembly under the Constitution or Assembly Rules.
If at the commencement of any sitting, the Speaker is unable to attend, the Deputy Speaker shall not preside automatically, but he (latter) shall preside on an announcement made by the Secretary that the Speaker is unavoidably absent from the sitting of the House and in his absence the Deputy Speaker shall preside.
Under the rules, unless the Speaker otherwise directs the Vidhan Sabha–
(i) whilst in Session, meets on all days expect Saturdays, Sundays and such other days as are declared to be holidays under the Negotiable Instruments Acts;
(ii) is required to meet on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 2.00 p.m. and adjourn at 6.30 P.M. on Fridays it meets at 9.30 A.M. and adjourns at 1.00 P.M.
But, generally, the Assembly whilst in Session meets at 2.00 P.M. on Mondays or after a holiday and adjourns at 6.30 P.M. without question being put and on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, it meets at 9.30 A.M. and adjourns at 1.30 P.M., without question being put or at such times as may be decided by the House i.e. by the Speaker taking the sense of the House or on the decision taken by the House on the Report of the Business Advisory Committee.
But if at the hour of adjournment proceedings under closure or under a division are in progress, these proceedings are completed before the House can adjourn.
If the House is to meet on a Saturday to dispose of an urgent business, it meets on the recommendation of the Business Advisory Committee adopted by the House or decision taken by the House itself. When the Assembly meets on a Saturday, no question hour is held on that day. Similarly no question hour is held in the second sitting, unless otherwise directs.